I am not really a fan of sweets, but I really enjoy these gluten free Matcha or Herbal Chai tea macaroons made with our teas. And my guests at my tea house over the years have loved them. With tips from chef friends, I have created likely the easiest macaroon recipe out there that even non-bakers can make. I hope you enjoy them.
Ingredients (yields 16 macaroons):
1 cup of almonds
1.5 tsp Far Leaves Tea Matcha (Japanese green tea powder; available for purchase soon)
1.5 tsp Far Leaves Tea Herbal Chai (ground)
1 egg white
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
2/3 cup sugar
Preparation Steps:
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees & line baking sheet with parchment paper.
2) Place almonds in food processor and process to a powder.
3) Add sugar and Far Leaves Tea Matcha or ground Far Leaves Tea Herbal Chai
and process to a powder.
4) Add egg white, vanilla extract and process to a wet paste.
5) Using damp hands, roll the dough between palms to form 16 balls and place on parchment-lined sheet pan.

7) Bake until just beginning to brown, about 10 minutes.
Enjoy with a nice cup of green tea or Herbal Chai!