Mindful Living through Tea and others

Mindful Tea: How to Change the World
stop your lizard brain for just a moment
listen to the sounds around you; wind through trees, water boiling, people talking
when you are quiet, the world reveals details you never noticed before

when triggered by fight or flight
try to let it go
and then embrace it with loving compassion
imagine you have just been handed a fresh cup of steaming hot tea
first breathe in the fragrance of the tea through your nose and throat
breathe deeply into your center and let yourself smile as you exhale
on the second breath in sip the tea and imagine the flavor upon your tongue
feel the warmth of the tea as it flows down into your center and energizes your being
let your smile grow larger while exhaling
raise your eyes up to the world as you inhale the third time
smile, relax, and radiate love from your center as you exhale
imagine yourself offering back the warm comforting beverage
and continue to engage with openness, kindness, and compassion
bend your knees slightly
feel your connection to the earth through each toe and the heels of your feet