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Step by Step

  “How does anyone become anything…?” I ask hypothetically to my friend as she weaves with ease in and through traffic toward LAX. We had just been catching up the last two years of our lives when we both got quiet. She recently moved to a new city and is going through a breakup with her long-term boyfriend. I got married, moved across country and am still trying to figure out what to do with my life. In many ways, we are the same kids we were as bunkmates in college. “You just do it,” she laughs, “You just take the first step.” She tells me about this guy we know who was a Lyft driver for several years, and...

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The Beauty of Broken

Sometimes a teapot will break. Which provides opportunity to reflect. To repair or discard ? Both options help us practice living a balanced and reflective life. Practice makes perfect. Breathing deep 10 times is long enough for the super glue to bond. The wait is a chance to connect with what is real for a simple moment of time. and Dealing with the loss of simple items brings awareness of the impermanence of things. It reminds us to be grateful for what the universe provides, and lets us experience the joy of finding a new teapot.  

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Spring is Coming!

Though we are not done with winter yet (and it could still let loose with some more extreme weather), we should start dreaming up, imagining, and planning for warmer days ahead. Our teas selection this month is meant to give a final burst of seasonal cold protection along with some deep rich bursts energy from a robust oolong and a puer to nourish the soul while formulating a response to the winter that is still upon us. tearoom for the people To help keep you well in the final stretches of the cold season, we’re sending Lavender White which adds soothing lavender and mint to the famously therapeutic leaves of white Chinese tea. We’re also including the traditional oolong of...

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Staying Angry

“I just don’t want to be angry for the next four years…” my husband responds to my ranting. I’ve spent a good part of the ride swirling with shaking fists and an elevated voice. “Well I do want to be angry,” I shoot back, “and you should too.” We spend the next ten minutes in tense silence above the sound of the road rolling beneath our car, the air punctuated by the squealing windshield wipers against cold glass. Dirty snow is pushed up against the sides of two-lane road. We’re late to church. I am heartbroken. My heart breaks for those who have been marginalized, cast away and stepped on. My heart breaks for our black brothers and sisters, our...

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Building up Resistance through Tea

  Happy New Year!   Resist the urge to disparage other people in this land. As human beings, we share common cause with all against the growing domination of corporations at the expense of people. Those legal entities with voting rights (so-called free-speech), and lawyers, and no body to throw in prison for crimes against humanity; also virtual immortality. The big ones owned by very few people. Let us find the other humans in our land who are not among those few and plan us a way to get back some share of the world’s bounty for human people. Let us plot ways to wrest back control and make sure the introduction of robots is more like Aibo the lovable...

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